IT solutions that are out of this world
Let us manage
it for you
Our services
As our world (and probably many others) shifts online, it’s important that you are properly supported. Are you alien to technology? Computer knowledge a vacuum? We provide experienced remote IT support services to help relieve the stress that tech issues cause. Whether it’s launching that broken laptop, blasting your business into the stratosphere with the latest software and programmes or getting Sirius about security. In a galaxy not so far far away, we have a team on hand to help you out of that black hole…

Individual and Business support
we will boost
your business
Whether you are on your maiden voyage or you have a team of cosmic space cadets that need support, we can advise you on the best home working set-ups for businesses and the self-employed, recommending IT solutions to suit your company needs and the best programmes out there… We can tailor software for your industry and your employees for an ‘out-of-this-world’ experience…
Ground Control to Major Tom…
Enhanced productivity – Use any computer in any location i.e. a friends, your relatives, another worker or an internet café. Your whole desktop including all your apps, files, folders, email etc can be used anywhere.
We supply tailored solutions for a range of communication sectors, operating as a white label for your business, supplying ordering channels and support services that come complete with a dedicated Account manager
Get In Touch
Tell us what’s the matter. Whatever your question or query
we’d be over the moon to hear from you.
Blast off in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … (Or fill out a contact form)
Our support team will be with you at the speed of light…
- +44 (0)20 3743 7663
150 Minories, London EC3N 1LS